WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Mon, Apr 25, 2011 1:19 PM
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-72: WordPress Hack Could Put Premium Users at Risk
*WHID ID: *2011-72
*Date Occurred: *April 13, 2011
*Attack Method: *Unknown
*Application Weakness: *Unknown
*Outcome: *Leakage of Information
*Attacked Entity Field: *Blogs
*Attacked Entity Geography: *USA
*Incident Description: *Malicious hackers have successfully breached
WordPress.com servers and potentially made off with sensitive bits of the
publishing platform's underlying code. The breach could impact premium
customers using Wordpress for their websites, including Flickr, NASA, Yahoo,
and The New York Times.
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography: *
*Attacked System Technology: *WordPress
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-72: WordPress Hack Could Put Premium Users at Risk
*WHID ID: *2011-72
*Date Occurred: *April 13, 2011
*Attack Method: *Unknown
*Application Weakness: *Unknown
*Outcome: *Leakage of Information
*Attacked Entity Field: *Blogs
*Attacked Entity Geography: *USA
*Incident Description: *Malicious hackers have successfully breached
WordPress.com servers and potentially made off with sensitive bits of the
publishing platform's underlying code. The breach could impact premium
customers using Wordpress for their websites, including Flickr, NASA, Yahoo,
and The New York Times.
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography: *
*Attacked System Technology: *WordPress