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Re: [WEB SECURITY] Closing web sites due to legislation

Paweł Krawczyk
Wed, Jun 6, 2012 8:08 PM

On Wednesday, June 06, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Pavol Luptak pavol.luptak@nethemba.com wrote:

Yes. And it will be another regulation that makes the EU less
(for Internet portal, business, ..) compared to the other non-
regulated world.

Fully agreed, but the EU law is not given by gods :)  The point is that everyone on this list can actually have their voice heard at two levels at least:

  1. EU public consultation - this is now closed for the e-privacy directive, but...
  2. EU directive needs to be implemented at national level - and this is happening now

Here's a very important role for technical experts and organisations to participate in your government's public consultation (with or without solicitation); in Poland a number of experts (including myself) sent their opinnions against this regulation that somewhat balanced paranoid and clueless voices of "privacy protectors". It the first place it gives your government a reason to soften the interpretation of the directive, second it gives them a reason to lobby against the directive in Brussels.

Paweł Krawczyk, CISSP
http://ipsec.pl http://echelon.pl
+48 602 776959

On Wednesday, June 06, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Pavol Luptak <pavol.luptak@nethemba.com> wrote: >Yes. And it will be another regulation that makes the EU less >competitive >(for Internet portal, business, ..) compared to the other non- >regulated world. Fully agreed, but the EU law is not given by gods :) The point is that everyone on this list can actually have their voice heard at two levels at least: 1) EU public consultation - this is now closed for the e-privacy directive, but... 2) EU directive needs to be implemented at national level - and this is happening now Here's a very important role for technical experts and organisations to participate in your government's public consultation (with or without solicitation); in Poland a number of experts (including myself) sent their opinnions against this regulation that somewhat balanced paranoid and clueless voices of "privacy protectors". It the first place it gives your government a reason to soften the interpretation of the directive, second it gives them a reason to lobby against the directive in Brussels. -- Paweł Krawczyk, CISSP http://ipsec.pl http://echelon.pl +48 602 776959