WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Mon, Apr 25, 2011 1:10 PM
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-54: Internal Affairs website back online after
*WHID ID: *2011-54
*Date Occurred: *March 25, 2011
*Attack Method: *Denial of Service
*Application Weakness: *Insufficient Anti-automation
*Outcome: *Downtime
*Attacked Entity Field: *Government
*Attacked Entity Geography: *New Zealand
*Incident Description: *The Department of Internal Affairs website is now
back up and running after it was shut down - only days before it was due to
be hacked by international cyber activist group.
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
Attack Source Geography:
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-54: Internal Affairs website back online after
*WHID ID: *2011-54
*Date Occurred: *March 25, 2011
*Attack Method: *Denial of Service
*Application Weakness: *Insufficient Anti-automation
*Outcome: *Downtime
*Attacked Entity Field: *Government
*Attacked Entity Geography: *New Zealand
*Incident Description: *The Department of Internal Affairs website is now
back up and running after it was shut down - only days before it was due to
be hacked by international cyber activist group.
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography:*