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Protocol docs and API informatio

Nick Owen
Fri, Mar 25, 2011 2:47 PM


As some of you may know, the WiKID Strong Authentication system is a
dual-sourced two-factor authentication system.  We use asymmetric
encryption embedded in software tokens to securely deliver OTPs upon
receipt of a valid PIN.

We've recently published the WiKID wAuth protocol to accompany our
LGPL-licensed wClient API packages.  Some of the API packages (in
particular:python and ruby) are a bit old so the protocol docs will
provides a complete listing of the functionality as well as encourage
the use of two-factor authentication in web applications.

In general, the protocol allows for the registration of users,
validation of OTPs & offline challenge/responses, adding tokens to
existing users, pre-registration of users as well as searching, updating
and deleting users.


Feedback is appreciated,



Nick Owen
WiKID Systems, Inc.
Commercial/Open-source Two-Factor Authentication
#wikid on irc.freenode.net

Greetings: As some of you may know, the WiKID Strong Authentication system is a dual-sourced two-factor authentication system. We use asymmetric encryption embedded in software tokens to securely deliver OTPs upon receipt of a valid PIN. We've recently published the WiKID wAuth protocol to accompany our LGPL-licensed wClient API packages. Some of the API packages (in particular:python and ruby) are a bit old so the protocol docs will provides a complete listing of the functionality as well as encourage the use of two-factor authentication in web applications. In general, the protocol allows for the registration of users, validation of OTPs & offline challenge/responses, adding tokens to existing users, pre-registration of users as well as searching, updating and deleting users. http://www.wikidsystems.com/support/wikid-support-center/manual/wikid-network-client-wclient-api-manual/referencemanual-all-pages Feedback is appreciated, Sincerely, Nick -- Nick Owen WiKID Systems, Inc. http://www.wikidsystems.com Commercial/Open-source Two-Factor Authentication http://twitter.com/wikidsystems #wikid on irc.freenode.net