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Webcast: WAFEC panel as part of OWASP IL Mini Conference, Feb 12th

Ofer Shezaf
Tue, Feb 5, 2013 10:22 AM

Hi Everyone,

On Feb 12th we will be holding a WAFEC (Web Application Firewall Evaluation
Criteria project) panel as part of an OWASP Israel meeting. You can join the
panel remotely using OWASP gotomeeting services.

To register: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/785518182

The WASC/OWASP WAFEC Project, first released in 2006, is the de-facto
standard for learning about and evaluating web application firewalls and is
commonly used in WAF RFPs. The project team, which includes every WAF expert
in the world (and if we missed you, you are welcomed to join), is working
hard to complete version 2.  The panel will bring together some of the
active participants in writing the upcoming version, all world experts on
WAFs, to discuss the state of WAF technology, WAF industry and the
challenges in creating an evaluation guide for WAFs. This will be and
interactive session and will be driven by questions from me and from the
audience. Feel free to pre-submit questions!

Panel participants will include:

  • Amichai Shulman, CTO, Imperva

  • David Maman, CTO, GreenSQL

  • Ido Breger, Product Manager, Web Application Firewalls, F5

  • Nimrod Luria, CTO, Foresight

  • Ory Segal, Principal Product Architect, Cloud Security, Akamai

  • Shlomo Narkolayev, General Manager, Cyberdin

If you want to join in person the meeting:

For more information on WAFEC: http://wafec.webappsec.org

~ Ofer

Ofer Shezaf, WAFEC project leader

[+972-54-4431119;  mailto:ofer@shezaf.com ofer@shezaf.com, www.shezaf.com
http://www.shezaf.com ]

Hi Everyone, On Feb 12th we will be holding a WAFEC (Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria project) panel as part of an OWASP Israel meeting. You can join the panel remotely using OWASP gotomeeting services. To register: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/785518182 The WASC/OWASP WAFEC Project, first released in 2006, is the de-facto standard for learning about and evaluating web application firewalls and is commonly used in WAF RFPs. The project team, which includes every WAF expert in the world (and if we missed you, you are welcomed to join), is working hard to complete version 2. The panel will bring together some of the active participants in writing the upcoming version, all world experts on WAFs, to discuss the state of WAF technology, WAF industry and the challenges in creating an evaluation guide for WAFs. This will be and interactive session and will be driven by questions from me and from the audience. Feel free to pre-submit questions! Panel participants will include: * Amichai Shulman, CTO, Imperva * David Maman, CTO, GreenSQL * Ido Breger, Product Manager, Web Application Firewalls, F5 * Nimrod Luria, CTO, Foresight * Ory Segal, Principal Product Architect, Cloud Security, Akamai * Shlomo Narkolayev, General Manager, Cyberdin If you want to join in person the meeting: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Israel_2013_02 For more information on WAFEC: http://wafec.webappsec.org ~ Ofer Ofer Shezaf, WAFEC project leader [+972-54-4431119; <mailto:ofer@shezaf.com> ofer@shezaf.com, www.shezaf.com <http://www.shezaf.com> ]