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Call for Submissions: The 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016)

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Mon, Sep 12, 2016 11:23 PM

Kindly email this Call for Submissions to your colleagues, faculty members and postgraduate students.

The 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016)
Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE Spain Section and IEEE Spanish Computer Society Chapter
Venue: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza hotel
December 5-7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain

The ICITST is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practical implementation of secured Internet transactions and to fostering discussions on information technology evolution. The ICITST aims to provide a highly professional and comparative academic research forum that promotes collaborative excellence between academia and industry.

The topics in ICITST-2016 include but are not confined to the following areas:

Internet Applications and Technology:
* Internet Architecture
* Internet of things
* Broadband Access Technologies
* Application Agents
* Boundary Issues of Internet Security
* Database Management
* Data Models for Production Systems and Services
* Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
* IPSec Quality of Service
* Knowledge Management
* Embedded Systems
* Defence SystemsUbi/Cloud Computing:
* Authentication and Access Control for Data Protection in Ubi/Cloud Computing
* Context-Awareness and its Data Mining for UbiCom
* Data Grids
* Distributed Information Systems
* Human-Computer Interface and Interaction for UbiCom
* Ubiquitous Systems
* USN/RFID Service
* Smart Homes and its Business Model for UbiCom Service
* Security and its Data Management for UbiCom
* Peer to Peer Data Management
* New Novel Mechanism and Application for Ubi/Cloud ComputingInformation Security:
* Trust, Privacy and Data Security
* Network Security Issues and Protocols
* Security Challenges and Content Authoring
* Cryptography
* Secure Communications
* Authentication Techniques
* Chaos-based Data Security
* MANET Security
* Wireless Sensor Network Security
* Organization Considerations in Security Policy Formulation and Implementations
* Digital Forensics and Crimes
* Biometrics
* Cyber SecurityMultimedia and Web Services:
* Intelligent Multimedia and its Data Management
* Multimedia Information Systems
* Multimedia Security
* Web Databases
* Web Metrics and its Applications
* Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0.
* Web Services
* XML and other extensible languages
* Semantic Web and OntologyInfonomics and e-Technology:
* Infonomics
* Information Visualization
* Information Management
* Information Quality
* Technology-Enabled Information
* e-Learning
* e-Commerce
* e-Business
* e-Government
* e-Society
* System Design and Security for e-Services
* Synchronizing e-SecurityPaper submission
You can submit your extended abstract or paper online at http://icitst.net/paper-submission/
or email it to extendedabstract@icitst.org or papers@icitst.org

Submission Dates:

* Extended Abstract (Work in Progress) Submission Date: September 20, 2016
* Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance/Rejection: September 30, 2016
* Full Paper Submission Date: October 01, 2016
* Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection: October 15, 2016
* Camera Ready Paper Due: November 05, 2016
* Workshops and Tutorials Submission Date: August 05, 2016
* Notification of Workshop and Tutorial Acceptance: August 25, 2016
* Special Track Submission Date: August 05, 2015
* Notification of Special Track Acceptance: August 25, 2016
* Poster/Demo Submission Date: October 01, 2016
* Notification of Poster/Demo Acceptance: October 10, 2016
* Proposal for Industrial Presentation: August 05, 2016
* Notification of Industrial Presentation Acceptance: August 15, 2016
* Conference Dates: December 5-7, 2016
For more details, please contact info@icitst.org