"I told you so", just doesn't seem to do it justice...
-----Original Message-----
From: websecurity [mailto:websecurity-bounces@lists.webappsec.org] On
Behalf Of Martin O'Neal
Sent: 16 October 2012 11:01
To: Paul Johnston
Cc: websecurity@lists.webappsec.org
Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Social login / federated identity
I think this is a complete misunderstanding on your part
No, but it is a complete assumption on your part. ;)
SSO within a cluster of services, with a common owner etc makes perfect
sense. Who wants to have multiple accounts across a number of products
with a single vendor for example? (you know who you are!)
SSO across dissimilar platforms, different vendors etc simply trades
convenience for your security and privacy.
In a perfect world, your SSO provider would be entirely independent,
host all their auth in a bullet-proof system, and for the price of a few
API calls, life would be peachy. As it is though, it's not. Facebook for
example have their own problems in keeping their auth data secure, so
tying yourself into their systems adds a whole world of additional risk
to your site. And in the event of it all going pear-shaped, there isn't
a lot you can do to fix the situation, without exiting the SSO.
IMO this breach of their SSO is Facebook's implementation of OAUTH.
SSO using WS-Federation is a true SSO solution for an enterprise.
I wouldn't expect a bank to use OAuth to secure their services but
WS-Federation definitely could.
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Martin O'Neal
martin.oneal@corsaire.com wrote:
"I told you so", just doesn't seem to do it justice...
-----Original Message-----
From: websecurity [mailto:websecurity-bounces@lists.webappsec.org] On
Behalf Of Martin O'Neal
Sent: 16 October 2012 11:01
To: Paul Johnston
Cc: websecurity@lists.webappsec.org
Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Social login / federated identity
I think this is a complete misunderstanding on your part
No, but it is a complete assumption on your part. ;)
SSO within a cluster of services, with a common owner etc makes perfect
sense. Who wants to have multiple accounts across a number of products
with a single vendor for example? (you know who you are!)
SSO across dissimilar platforms, different vendors etc simply trades
convenience for your security and privacy.
In a perfect world, your SSO provider would be entirely independent,
host all their auth in a bullet-proof system, and for the price of a few
API calls, life would be peachy. As it is though, it's not. Facebook for
example have their own problems in keeping their auth data secure, so
tying yourself into their systems adds a whole world of additional risk
to your site. And in the event of it all going pear-shaped, there isn't
a lot you can do to fix the situation, without exiting the SSO.
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By the same argument, Firefox has had a security vulnerability, so
no-one should use Firefox. In fact, all mainstream browsers have had a
security vulnerability at some point, so we shouldn't use the web at all...?
Yes, you did "tell me so", but I don't much care for your negative
opinion. I think using social login is a prudent risk for most websites
If you do use it, the Facebook vulnerability doesn't affect all the
users on your site - it only affects those who have explicitly chosen to
use Facebook as their identity provider. Although it's usually difficult
to palm off blame for security failures, I think this is one that people
will accept. "Your Facebook account was hacked and because you chose to
link your Facebook account to MyWebSite.com, the hackers were able to
access you MyWebSite account."
On 22/02/2013 08:35, Martin O'Neal wrote:
"I told you so", just doesn't seem to do it justice...
-----Original Message-----
From: websecurity [mailto:websecurity-bounces@lists.webappsec.org] On
Behalf Of Martin O'Neal
Sent: 16 October 2012 11:01
To: Paul Johnston
Cc: websecurity@lists.webappsec.org
Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Social login / federated identity
I think this is a complete misunderstanding on your part
No, but it is a complete assumption on your part. ;)
SSO within a cluster of services, with a common owner etc makes perfect
sense. Who wants to have multiple accounts across a number of products
with a single vendor for example? (you know who you are!)
SSO across dissimilar platforms, different vendors etc simply trades
convenience for your security and privacy.
In a perfect world, your SSO provider would be entirely independent,
host all their auth in a bullet-proof system, and for the price of a few
API calls, life would be peachy. As it is though, it's not. Facebook for
example have their own problems in keeping their auth data secure, so
tying yourself into their systems adds a whole world of additional risk
to your site. And in the event of it all going pear-shaped, there isn't
a lot you can do to fix the situation, without exiting the SSO.
Pentest - The Application Security Specialists
Paul Johnston - IT Security Consultant / Tiger SST
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