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OWASP AppSec USA Speaker Lineup Announced

Adam Baso
Wed, Aug 10, 2011 6:28 PM

Hello world!


The OWASP AppSec USA 2011 software security conference team proudly
announces its speaker lineup! Among the 50+ talented speakers
September 22-23, 2011 in Minneapolis are Brian Chess, Chris Wysopal,
Shreeraj Shah, Srini Penchikala, Andrés Riancho, Alex Smolen, and
Moxie Marlinspike.

If you need to secure Android or iOS apps, automate Ruby on Rails
security bug discovery, or figure out a comprehensive XSS prevention
strategy, this conference is for you. Gain deep application security
knowledge in HTML5, user psychology, and the cloud at AppSec USA as
OWASP hits its tenth anniversary. Learn more:



There's even more great stuff at OWASP AppSec USA September 20-23,
2011. Check it out.

TRAINING: Pentesting, mobile security, secure coding (PHP, Java, .NET,
Web 2.0), and more September 20-21.

CAPTURE THE FLAG: A one point-per-challenge free for all for fun and prizes.

UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE: A competition in both defense and offense,
specially built for university teams.

OPEN SOURCE SHOWCASE: A gallery to show open source efforts. Submit
yours for consideration.

5K/10K: Raise money for youth science education.

WOMEN IN APPSEC: Help women join the application security field
through this grant program.

SPONSORS/SHOWROOM: The awesome organizations financially supporting
the conference, providing products and services to you.


OWASP founder Mark Curphey wanted to do something special for his
keynote commemorating the organization he helped found a decade ago.
Has OWASP made your world better? Ever wanted to be part of a security
keynote? Tell Mark, and the world!

Just e-mail mark@curphey.com to get started. Mark will accept any
video formats (he will be editing with Final Cut on OS X) but the
higher the quality and the more creative, the better. After you e-mail
Mark he will invite you to a drop box to upload your video. He will
need all videos by the first week in September at the very latest!

We're excited to see you at AppSec USA September 20-23, 2011 in
Minneapolis! Register today.



Adam Baso
OWASP AppSec USA 2011 Organizer

OWASP AppSec USA 2011: Your life is in the cloud.
September 20-23 Training, Talks, CTF, Showroom, and More

To learn more about OWASP, visit https://www.owasp.org.

Hello world! ************************************************************ OWASP APPSEC USA 2011 SPEAKER LINEUP ************************************************************ The OWASP AppSec USA 2011 software security conference team proudly announces its speaker lineup! Among the 50+ talented speakers September 22-23, 2011 in Minneapolis are Brian Chess, Chris Wysopal, Shreeraj Shah, Srini Penchikala, Andrés Riancho, Alex Smolen, and Moxie Marlinspike. If you need to secure Android or iOS apps, automate Ruby on Rails security bug discovery, or figure out a comprehensive XSS prevention strategy, this conference is for you. Gain deep application security knowledge in HTML5, user psychology, and the cloud at AppSec USA as OWASP hits its tenth anniversary. Learn more: http://www.appsecusa.org/talks.html *********************** MORE APPSEC *********************** There's even more great stuff at OWASP AppSec USA September 20-23, 2011. Check it out. ----------------------------------------------------------- TRAINING: Pentesting, mobile security, secure coding (PHP, Java, .NET, Web 2.0), and more September 20-21. http://www.appsecusa.org/training.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- CAPTURE THE FLAG: A one point-per-challenge free for all for fun and prizes. http://www.appsecusa.org/ctf.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE: A competition in both defense and offense, specially built for university teams. http://www.appsecusa.org/edu_ctf.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- OPEN SOURCE SHOWCASE: A gallery to show open source efforts. Submit yours for consideration. http://www.appsecusa.org/oss.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 5K/10K: Raise money for youth science education. http://www.appsecusa.org/strengthen.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- WOMEN IN APPSEC: Help women join the application security field through this grant program. http://www.appsecusa.org/womeninappsec.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- SPONSORS/SHOWROOM: The awesome organizations financially supporting the conference, providing products and services to you. http://www.appsecusa.org/sponsors.html ----------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************ HELP MARK CURPHEY CREATE HIS KEYNOTE ************************************************************ OWASP founder Mark Curphey wanted to do something special for his keynote commemorating the organization he helped found a decade ago. Has OWASP made your world better? Ever wanted to be part of a security keynote? Tell Mark, and the world! Just e-mail mark@curphey.com to get started. Mark will accept any video formats (he will be editing with Final Cut on OS X) but the higher the quality and the more creative, the better. After you e-mail Mark he will invite you to a drop box to upload your video. He will need all videos by the first week in September at the very latest! ************************************************************ We're excited to see you at AppSec USA September 20-23, 2011 in Minneapolis! Register today. http://www.appsecusa.org/attend.html -- Adam Baso OWASP AppSec USA 2011 Organizer OWASP AppSec USA 2011: Your life is in the cloud. September 20-23 Training, Talks, CTF, Showroom, and More www.appsecusa.org @appsecusa To learn more about OWASP, visit https://www.owasp.org.