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Cyberwar in Ukraine

Fri, Feb 6, 2015 9:21 PM

Hello participants of Mailing List.

For those who are interested, at 23.11.2014 I spoke at the conference IT
Forum UA Web Challenge on topic Cyberwar in Ukraine. Here is my speech

Short synopsis on English of my slides, which I talked about for 30 minutes:

  • There is cyberwar against Ukraine from the beginning of 2014.
  • What is Cyber-warfare.
  • What is Information War.
  • What are differences between them and how they can be used simultaneously.
  • Statistics of attacks on government sites of Ukraine during 2001-2013.
  • Statistics of attacks on government sites of Ukraine in the 1h of 2014.
  • The most known groups of Russian hackers which work in Uanet.
  • To fight against cyberwar and information war I created Ukrainian Cyber
  • What is Ukrainian Cyber Forces and their operations (here is a list
  • Results of work of Ukrainian Cyber Forces.

At the slides I wrote about results before November, since then there were a
lot of new results. Here are the lists from beginning of January (next month
I will write statistics for our work in January):

The results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for June-December
2014 in different payment systems. In total there were blocked 159 accounts

The results of UCF work for clossing sites of terrorists for June-December
2014. In total there were closed 41 sites (http://on.fb.me/1wNpMUO).

The last list of blocked sites of terrorists by UCF

The list of hacked resources of terrorists and Russian government by
Ukrainian Cyber Forces in December (http://on.fb.me/1Ba3eBM). The link to
the lists for June-November 2014 is in the post.

Best wishes & regards,
Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello participants of Mailing List. For those who are interested, at 23.11.2014 I spoke at the conference IT Forum UA Web Challenge on topic Cyberwar in Ukraine. Here is my speech http://websecurity.com.ua/uploads/articles/speech-2014.swf. Short synopsis on English of my slides, which I talked about for 30 minutes: - There is cyberwar against Ukraine from the beginning of 2014. - What is Cyber-warfare. - What is Information War. - What are differences between them and how they can be used simultaneously. - Statistics of attacks on government sites of Ukraine during 2001-2013. - Statistics of attacks on government sites of Ukraine in the 1h of 2014. - The most known groups of Russian hackers which work in Uanet. - To fight against cyberwar and information war I created Ukrainian Cyber Forces. - What is Ukrainian Cyber Forces and their operations (here is a list http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2014-December/009064.html). - Results of work of Ukrainian Cyber Forces. At the slides I wrote about results before November, since then there were a lot of new results. Here are the lists from beginning of January (next month I will write statistics for our work in January): The results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for June-December 2014 in different payment systems. In total there were blocked 159 accounts (http://on.fb.me/1Dg5jRd). The results of UCF work for clossing sites of terrorists for June-December 2014. In total there were closed 41 sites (http://on.fb.me/1wNpMUO). The last list of blocked sites of terrorists by UCF (http://on.fb.me/15MbbmQ). The list of hacked resources of terrorists and Russian government by Ukrainian Cyber Forces in December (http://on.fb.me/1Ba3eBM). The link to the lists for June-November 2014 is in the post. Best wishes & regards, Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua