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Web-based VM detection and coarse-grained fingerprinting

Amit Klein
Tue, Oct 6, 2015 11:46 AM


I just published an advisory that covered 3 browser families
(Microsoft Internet Explorer 10-11, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox
34.0-40.x). It turns out that on Windows 7 or above in combination
with these browsers, it is possible to extract the
frequency of the Windows performance counter, using standard HTML5 and
Javascript. With the Windows performance counter frequency, it is
possible to remotely detect some virtual machines and to coarse-grain
fingerprint physical machines.

The full advisory is here:


A demo page for this advisory is here:


A fix is available in Firefox 41:


Finally, you may be interested in my page dedicated to web-based VM
detection methods:



Hi I just published an advisory that covered 3 browser families (Microsoft Internet Explorer 10-11, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox 34.0-40.x). It turns out that on Windows 7 or above in combination with these browsers, it is possible to extract the frequency of the Windows performance counter, using standard HTML5 and Javascript. With the Windows performance counter frequency, it is possible to remotely detect some virtual machines and to coarse-grain fingerprint physical machines. The full advisory is here: http://www.securitygalore.com/site3/vmd1-advisory A demo page for this advisory is here: http://www.securitygalore.com/files/vmd1.html A fix is available in Firefox 41: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2015-114/ Finally, you may be interested in my page dedicated to web-based VM detection methods: http://www.securitygalore.com/site3/web_based_vm_detection Thanks, -Amit http://www.securitygalore.com/