WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Mon, Apr 25, 2011 1:07 PM
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-48: Pro-Iranian Cyber Hackers Attack Voice of
*WHID ID: *2011-48
*Date Occurred: *February 23, 2011
*Attack Method: *DNS Hijacking
*Application Weakness: *Insufficient Authentication
*Outcome: *Defacement
*Attacked Entity Field: *Media
*Attacked Entity Geography: *Washington, DC
*Incident Description: *The board for VOA said cyber hackers hacked into
Voice of America’s primary domain name (VOANews.com), and then redirected
visitors to another web site claiming to be run by the "Iranian Cyber Army,"
Numerous related domains registered with Network Solutions were also hacked
into, and web visitors were also redirected to the web site supposedly run
by the “Iranian Cyber Army.”
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography: *Iran
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-48: Pro-Iranian Cyber Hackers Attack Voice of
*WHID ID: *2011-48
*Date Occurred: *February 23, 2011
*Attack Method: *DNS Hijacking
*Application Weakness: *Insufficient Authentication
*Outcome: *Defacement
*Attacked Entity Field: *Media
*Attacked Entity Geography: *Washington, DC
*Incident Description: *The board for VOA said cyber hackers hacked into
Voice of America’s primary domain name (VOANews.com), and then redirected
visitors to another web site claiming to be run by the "Iranian Cyber Army,"
Numerous related domains registered with Network Solutions were also hacked
into, and web visitors were also redirected to the web site supposedly run
by the “Iranian Cyber Army.”
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography: *Iran