WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Wed, Jan 26, 2011 1:44 PM
Sent to you by wasc-whid via Google Reader: WHID 2011-23: Anonymous
attacks websites in Egypt via Default WHID View on 1/26/11
Entry Title: WHID 2011-23: Anonymous attacks websites in Egypt
WHID ID: 2011-23
Date Occurred: January 26, 2011
Attack Method: Denial of Service
Application Weakness: Insufficient Anti-automation
Outcome: Downtime
Attacked Entity Field: Government
Attacked Entity Geography: Egypt
Incident Description: Following the recent uprising in Tunisia,
thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Egypt yesterday to
demand an end to President Hosni Mubarak's rule. The online collective
known as Anonymous has joined in the protests by orchestrating
distributed denial of service attacks against key Egyptian websites.
Mass Attack: Yes
Mass Attack Name: Operation: Egypt
Attack Source Geography:
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Sent to you by wasc-whid via Google Reader: WHID 2011-23: Anonymous
attacks websites in Egypt via Default WHID View on 1/26/11
Entry Title: WHID 2011-23: Anonymous attacks websites in Egypt
WHID ID: 2011-23
Date Occurred: January 26, 2011
Attack Method: Denial of Service
Application Weakness: Insufficient Anti-automation
Outcome: Downtime
Attacked Entity Field: Government
Attacked Entity Geography: Egypt
Incident Description: Following the recent uprising in Tunisia,
thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Egypt yesterday to
demand an end to President Hosni Mubarak's rule. The online collective
known as Anonymous has joined in the protests by orchestrating
distributed denial of service attacks against key Egyptian websites.
Mass Attack: Yes
Mass Attack Name: Operation: Egypt
Attack Source Geography:
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