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Most popular passwords

Sun, Feb 22, 2015 10:05 PM

Hello list!

I wrote concerning web sites and other resources of terorrists blocked or
hacked by me in the list
Also recently web site rusnod.ru was hacked by Russian hackers, which
support Ukraine. And its table of users was disclosed to Internet.

There are 65712 users in the table. Few days ago I analyzed data and found
most popular passwords. I wrote at my site the top 10 popular passwords of
rusnod.ru and for you here is the top 20. All other passwords have frequency
from 12 and below, so these are the top and most interesting ones.

Password - Frequency:

56 - 2420
1 - 365
123456 - 81
123456789 - 33
12345 - 32
1234567 - 28
qwerty - 25
7777777 - 21
111111 - 20
1qaz2wsx - 19
1234567890 - 19
123321 - 18
cdj,jlf - 15
12a34b56c - 15
1q2w3e - 14
12345678 - 14
svoboda - 13
admin - 12
555555 - 12
свобода - 12 (svoboda in cyrillic)

From this stats you can see what passwords are used at Russian web sites.

Full dump of users table is placed at rghost.net if you are interested.

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello list! I wrote concerning web sites and other resources of terorrists blocked or hacked by me in the list (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2015-February/009077.html). Also recently web site rusnod.ru was hacked by Russian hackers, which support Ukraine. And its table of users was disclosed to Internet. There are 65712 users in the table. Few days ago I analyzed data and found most popular passwords. I wrote at my site the top 10 popular passwords of rusnod.ru and for you here is the top 20. All other passwords have frequency from 12 and below, so these are the top and most interesting ones. Password - Frequency: 56 - 2420 1 - 365 123456 - 81 123456789 - 33 12345 - 32 1234567 - 28 qwerty - 25 7777777 - 21 111111 - 20 1qaz2wsx - 19 1234567890 - 19 123321 - 18 cdj,jlf - 15 12a34b56c - 15 1q2w3e - 14 12345678 - 14 svoboda - 13 admin - 12 555555 - 12 свобода - 12 (svoboda in cyrillic) >From this stats you can see what passwords are used at Russian web sites. Full dump of users table is placed at rghost.net if you are interested. Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua