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many stops equal a U+002E full stop

Chris Weber
Wed, Jun 29, 2011 5:40 AM

There are a lot of interesting and complex rules around the way Unicode
strings are handled in URIs/IRIs and IDNs in particular.  One such case
is the way several characters each map to the "dot":


Are most spam and phishing filters IDN-aware?  Has anyone seen this
technique used in practice to bypass them, or WAFs?


There are a lot of interesting and complex rules around the way Unicode strings are handled in URIs/IRIs and IDNs in particular. One such case is the way several characters each map to the "dot": http://www.lookout.net/2011/06/28/many-stops-equal-a-u002e-full-stop/ Are most spam and phishing filters IDN-aware? Has anyone seen this technique used in practice to bypass them, or WAFs? -Chris