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WebSurgery v1.1 released (Web application security testing suite)

John Stamatakis
Mon, Nov 11, 2013 2:30 PM



Sunrise is proudly announces WebSurgery v1.1!

WebSurgery is a suite of tools for security testing of web applications. It
is designed to address the ongoing needs of security auditors so to
facilitate them with web application planning and exploitation. Suite
currently contains a spectrum of efficient, fast and stable web tools
(Crawler, Bruteforcer, Fuzzer, Proxy, Editor) and some extra functionality
tools (Scripting Filters, List Generator, External Proxy).



  • Crawler

              Crawler is designed to be fast, accurate, stable and

completely parameterized using advanced techniques to extract links from
HTML, CSS, Javascript and AJAX.

  • Bruteforcer

              Bruteforcer for files and directories within the web

application which helps to identify the hidden structure.

  • Fuzzer

              Fuzzer is a highly advanced tool to create a number of

requests based on one initial request. Can be used to exploit (Blind) SQL
Injections, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Denial of Service (DOS), Bruteforce
for Username / Password Authentication Login Forms and identification of
Improper Input Handling and Firewall / Filtering Rules.

  • Proxy

              Proxy is a server running locally and will allow you to

analyze, intercept and manipulate HTTP/HTTPS requests coming from your
browser or other application which support proxies.

  • Editor

              Advanced ASCII/HEX Editor to manipulate individual requests.



  • Scripting Filters

              Advanced Scripting Filters to filter specific requests /

responses with support of regular expressions and large number of variables.

  • List Generator

              List Generator for different list types (File, Charset,

Numbers, Dates, IP Addresses, Custom) with additional rules support.

  • External Proxy

              External Proxy redirects suite's traffic to another


Download & Documentation


http://sunrisetech.gr/?page=websurgery&tab=download &tab=download

Best regards,

John Stamatakis

Sunrise Technologies

Overview ======== Sunrise is proudly announces WebSurgery v1.1! WebSurgery is a suite of tools for security testing of web applications. It is designed to address the ongoing needs of security auditors so to facilitate them with web application planning and exploitation. Suite currently contains a spectrum of efficient, fast and stable web tools (Crawler, Bruteforcer, Fuzzer, Proxy, Editor) and some extra functionality tools (Scripting Filters, List Generator, External Proxy). Tools ==== - Crawler Crawler is designed to be fast, accurate, stable and completely parameterized using advanced techniques to extract links from HTML, CSS, Javascript and AJAX. - Bruteforcer Bruteforcer for files and directories within the web application which helps to identify the hidden structure. - Fuzzer Fuzzer is a highly advanced tool to create a number of requests based on one initial request. Can be used to exploit (Blind) SQL Injections, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Denial of Service (DOS), Bruteforce for Username / Password Authentication Login Forms and identification of Improper Input Handling and Firewall / Filtering Rules. - Proxy Proxy is a server running locally and will allow you to analyze, intercept and manipulate HTTP/HTTPS requests coming from your browser or other application which support proxies. - Editor Advanced ASCII/HEX Editor to manipulate individual requests. Extra ==== - Scripting Filters Advanced Scripting Filters to filter specific requests / responses with support of regular expressions and large number of variables. - List Generator List Generator for different list types (File, Charset, Numbers, Dates, IP Addresses, Custom) with additional rules support. - External Proxy External Proxy redirects suite's traffic to another HTTP/SOCKS proxy. Download & Documentation ====================== http://sunrisetech.gr/?page=websurgery <http://sunrisetech.gr/?page=websurgery&tab=download> &tab=download Best regards, John Stamatakis Sunrise Technologies