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BayThreat is ON!

Krassimir T. Tzvetanov
Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:24 PM

BayThreat is ON!

We have finalized the list of speakers and you can see it here:

The schedule is also available here:

Last but not least tickets here: http://www.baythreat.org/

And the sponsors are here:

This year we are looking for participants for a new part of BayThreat.
On Sunday, we're inviting everyone to the Dojo for lunch and a "Birds
of a Feather" style meet up about topics decided on Friday. We're also
going to be working on our PCB badges in the soldering lab, with
equipment generously borrowed from the HacKid Conference hardware
hacking tool kit.

Krassimir & Marisa

We couldn't do this without our awesome sponsors!
Accuvant Labs
Yahoo!, Google, Cisco, Salesforce, CloudPassage,
and our Gold & Silver Sponsors
Thank you!

BayThreat is ON! We have finalized the list of speakers and you can see it here: http://www.baythreat.org/speakers.html The schedule is also available here: http://www.baythreat.org/schedule.html Last but not least tickets here: http://www.baythreat.org/ And the sponsors are here: ------------------------ This year we are looking for participants for a new part of BayThreat. On Sunday, we're inviting everyone to the Dojo for lunch and a "Birds of a Feather" style meet up about topics decided on Friday. We're also going to be working on our PCB badges in the soldering lab, with equipment generously borrowed from the HacKid Conference hardware hacking tool kit. Cheers, Krassimir & Marisa ------------------------- We couldn't do this without our awesome sponsors! Accuvant Labs Yahoo!, Google, Cisco, Salesforce, CloudPassage, and our Gold & Silver Sponsors Thank you!