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Application Security Quiz

Anurag Agarwal
Tue, Jun 26, 2012 5:52 PM

After speaking with a lot of developers we realized they are looking for a
fun, quick way to enhance their knowledge about the secure coding aspects of
development. We have put together a series of interactive quizzes which test
security professionals' and software developers' secure development
awareness while teaching them how to build more secure software. Please find
links to the first two, below. The first quiz is based on the OWASP Top Ten
Project and the second quiz is based on best practices of secure coding.

The OWASP Top 10 is a list detailing the most critical software security
risks facing organizations with the goal of raising awareness about
application security. Based on this knowledge an organization can measure
the strength of its application security controls in place and determine
what counter-measures to open threats need to be put in place.OWASP
est&utm_campaign=5b871ec3a9-secure_coding_quiz6_25_2012&utm_medium=email> ).

Try out your knowledge of these Top 10 threats by taking our quiz:


Secure Coding:

The most efficient solution to managing one's application security risk is
to take security into consideration right from the very beginning of the
software development process and ensure that security is built in at every
phase of the adopted software development lifecycle. This can be made
possible by developers well educated on the available security resources
needed to write secure code.

Test your secure development awareness by taking our quiz:


We invite you to share these links and we welcome your comments and


Anurag Agarwal


Cell - 919-244-0803

Email - anurag@myappsecurity.com

Website - http://www.myappsecurity.com

Blog - http://myappsecurity.blogspot.com

LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/myappsecurity

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/myappsecurity

After speaking with a lot of developers we realized they are looking for a fun, quick way to enhance their knowledge about the secure coding aspects of development. We have put together a series of interactive quizzes which test security professionals' and software developers' secure development awareness while teaching them how to build more secure software. Please find links to the first two, below. The first quiz is based on the OWASP Top Ten Project and the second quiz is based on best practices of secure coding. The OWASP Top 10 is a list detailing the most critical software security risks facing organizations with the goal of raising awareness about application security. Based on this knowledge an organization can measure the strength of its application security controls in place and determine what counter-measures to open threats need to be put in place.OWASP (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2010-Main <https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2010-Main?utm_source=MyAppSecurity+T est&utm_campaign=5b871ec3a9-secure_coding_quiz6_25_2012&utm_medium=email> ). Try out your knowledge of these Top 10 threats by taking our quiz: http://www.myappsecurity.com/threat-modeling/owasp-top-ten-quiz/ <http://www.myappsecurity.com/threat-modeling/owasp-top-ten-quiz/?utm_source =MyAppSecurity+Test&utm_campaign=5b871ec3a9-secure_coding_quiz6_25_2012&utm_ medium=email> Secure Coding: The most efficient solution to managing one's application security risk is to take security into consideration right from the very beginning of the software development process and ensure that security is built in at every phase of the adopted software development lifecycle. This can be made possible by developers well educated on the available security resources needed to write secure code. Test your secure development awareness by taking our quiz: http://www.myappsecurity.com/threat-modeling/secure-coding-quiz/ <http://www.myappsecurity.com/threat-modeling/secure-coding-quiz/?utm_source =MyAppSecurity+Test&utm_campaign=5b871ec3a9-secure_coding_quiz6_25_2012&utm_ medium=email> We invite you to share these links and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Thanks, Anurag Agarwal MyAppSecurity Cell - 919-244-0803 Email - anurag@myappsecurity.com Website - http://www.myappsecurity.com Blog - http://myappsecurity.blogspot.com LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/myappsecurity Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/myappsecurity