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Web App vulnerable to HQL Injection ?

Thu, Feb 13, 2014 9:16 AM

Hi all,

Do you know any Web app vulnerable to HQL Injection ?
I was reading this article
blog.h3xstream.com/2014/02/hql-for-pentesters.html and I wanted to practice
it a bit.
This seems to be really interesting.


Hi all, Do you know any Web app vulnerable to HQL Injection ? I was reading this article blog.h3xstream.com/2014/02/hql-for-pentesters.html and I wanted to practice it a bit. This seems to be really interesting. Regards, Paul
Stephen de Vries
Thu, Feb 13, 2014 9:36 AM

On 13 Feb 2014, at 10:16, Paul AMAR aos.paul@gmail.com wrote:

Do you know any Web app vulnerable to HQL Injection ?

Here’s one I wrote and use for internal testing: https://github.com/continuumsecurity/RopeyTasks/  there’s HQL injection in two of the Controllers, e.g.: https://github.com/continuumsecurity/RopeyTasks/blob/master/grails-app/controllers/net/continuumsecurity/ropeytasks/TaskController.groovy

Best to download grails and run it from there so you can play with the code.  If you run: grails war, you can then copy the resulting .war file to any servlet container like Tomcat, Jetty etc.

Disclaimer: this wasn’t really designed for public consumption, just for my internal testing, so it’s not as user friendly as DVWA and other vulnerable apps.


On 13 Feb 2014, at 10:16, Paul AMAR <aos.paul@gmail.com> wrote: > > Do you know any Web app vulnerable to HQL Injection ? Here’s one I wrote and use for internal testing: https://github.com/continuumsecurity/RopeyTasks/ there’s HQL injection in two of the Controllers, e.g.: https://github.com/continuumsecurity/RopeyTasks/blob/master/grails-app/controllers/net/continuumsecurity/ropeytasks/TaskController.groovy Best to download grails and run it from there so you can play with the code. If you run: grails war, you can then copy the resulting .war file to any servlet container like Tomcat, Jetty etc. Disclaimer: this wasn’t really designed for public consumption, just for my internal testing, so it’s not as user friendly as DVWA and other vulnerable apps. regards, Stephen