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[Extended deadline] Call for Papers: OWASP Research 2013 - Refereed Papers Track

Martin Johns
Wed, May 15, 2013 9:35 AM

[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

= [Extended deadline] Call for Papers: OWASP Research 2013 - Refereed
Papers Track =

The German OWASP Chapter will host the OWASP AppSec Europe Research 2013
global conference in beautiful Hamburg, Germany.

Date: August 20-23, 2013
Location: Emporio Hamburg (http://www.emporio-hamburg.de/en/)
WebSite: http://appseceu.org/

=== About =
The OWASP AppSec conferences bring together application security experts
and software engineers from all over the world. Industry and academia meet
to discuss open problems and new solutions in application security. The
conferences offer researchers and practitioners a set of tutorials,
keynotes, and invited presentations.

As in the previous editions, the OWASP AppSec Europe 2013 conference will
feature a refereed papers track. The goal of the refereed papers track is

  • to give academic researchers in Web application security the opportunity
    to share their research results with practitioners, and
  • to give industry people the possibility to share experiences with
    academia and the OWASP community.

Hence both research papers as well as experience papers pertaining to all
aspects of web application security are solicited. Papers should describe
new ideas, new implementations, or experiences related to web application
security. We explicitly encourage members of the Web security community to
explore leading-edge topics and ideas before they are presented at a major

=== Topics of interest =

We are interested in all topics related to Web Application Security, in

  • Web application security
  • Security aspects of new/emerging web
  • Secure development: frameworks, best practices, secure coding,
    methods, processes, SDLC, etc.
  • Security of frameworks (Struts, Spring, ASP.Net MVC, RoR, etc)
  • Vulnerability analysis (code review, pentest, static analysis etc)
  • Threat modeling of applications
  • Mobile security and security for the mobile web
  • Cloud security
  • Browser security and HTML5 security
  • Countermeasures for application vulnerabilities
  • New technologies, paradigms, tools
  • Application security awareness and education
  • Security in web services, REST, and service oriented architectures
  • Privacy in web apps, Web services and data storage

=== Important dates =

Submission deadline: 22.05.2013 (extended from 15.05.2013)
Notification of acceptance: 22.06.2013
AppSec Conference: 22. + 23.08.2013

=== Instructions for authors =

Submissions should be at most 12 pages long in the Springer LNCS Style for
Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes. Submissions deviating from these
requirements may be rejected without review. Templates for preparing papers
in this style for LaTeX, Word, and other word processors can be downloaded
from: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 (please
use instructions for "Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes" for
different text processing platforms).
Submissions are due by May 22nd, 23:59 GMT. All submissions should be sent
in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) via EasyChair:

The workshop has no published proceedings. Presenting a paper at the
workshop should not preclude submission to or publication in other venues.
Copies of papers presented at the workshop will be made available in
electronic format, but this will not constitute an official proceedings.

=== Program committee =

  • Bastian Braun, University of Passau, Germany
  • Elie Bursztein, Google, USA
  • Lieven Desmet, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Hannes Federrath, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Dieter Gollmann, TU Harburg, Germany
  • Thorsten Holz, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany
  • Martin Johns, SAP Research, Germany (chair)
  • Engin Kirda, Northeastern University, USA
  • Nick Nikiforakis, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Andrei Sabelfeld, Chalmers, Sweden
  • Sebastian Schinzel, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  • John Wilander, OWASP and Linköping University, Sweden

Martin Johns

[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement] = [Extended deadline] Call for Papers: OWASP Research 2013 - Refereed Papers Track = The German OWASP Chapter will host the OWASP AppSec Europe Research 2013 global conference in beautiful Hamburg, Germany. Date: August 20-23, 2013 Location: Emporio Hamburg (http://www.emporio-hamburg.de/en/) WebSite: http://appseceu.org/ === About = The OWASP AppSec conferences bring together application security experts and software engineers from all over the world. Industry and academia meet to discuss open problems and new solutions in application security. The conferences offer researchers and practitioners a set of tutorials, keynotes, and invited presentations. As in the previous editions, the OWASP AppSec Europe 2013 conference will feature a refereed papers track. The goal of the refereed papers track is twofold: * to give academic researchers in Web application security the opportunity to share their research results with practitioners, and * to give industry people the possibility to share experiences with academia and the OWASP community. Hence both research papers as well as experience papers pertaining to all aspects of web application security are solicited. Papers should describe new ideas, new implementations, or experiences related to web application security. We explicitly encourage members of the Web security community to explore leading-edge topics and ideas before they are presented at a major conference. === Topics of interest = We are interested in all topics related to Web Application Security, in particular: * Web application security * Security aspects of new/emerging web technologies/paradigms/languages/frameworks * Secure development: frameworks, best practices, secure coding, methods, processes, SDLC, etc. * Security of frameworks (Struts, Spring, ASP.Net MVC, RoR, etc) * Vulnerability analysis (code review, pentest, static analysis etc) * Threat modeling of applications * Mobile security and security for the mobile web * Cloud security * Browser security and HTML5 security * Countermeasures for application vulnerabilities * New technologies, paradigms, tools * Application security awareness and education * Security in web services, REST, and service oriented architectures * Privacy in web apps, Web services and data storage === Important dates = Submission deadline: 22.05.2013 (extended from 15.05.2013) Notification of acceptance: 22.06.2013 AppSec Conference: 22. + 23.08.2013 === Instructions for authors = Submissions should be at most 12 pages long in the Springer LNCS Style for Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes. Submissions deviating from these requirements may be rejected without review. Templates for preparing papers in this style for LaTeX, Word, and other word processors can be downloaded from: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 (please use instructions for "Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes" for different text processing platforms). Submissions are due by May 22nd, 23:59 GMT. All submissions should be sent in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) via EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=owaspresearchacademi The workshop has no published proceedings. Presenting a paper at the workshop should not preclude submission to or publication in other venues. Copies of papers presented at the workshop will be made available in electronic format, but this will not constitute an official proceedings. === Program committee = - Bastian Braun, University of Passau, Germany - Elie Bursztein, Google, USA - Lieven Desmet, KU Leuven, Belgium - Hannes Federrath, University of Hamburg, Germany - Dieter Gollmann, TU Harburg, Germany - Thorsten Holz, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany - Martin Johns, SAP Research, Germany (chair) - Engin Kirda, Northeastern University, USA - Nick Nikiforakis, KU Leuven, Belgium - Andrei Sabelfeld, Chalmers, Sweden - Sebastian Schinzel, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany - John Wilander, OWASP and Linköping University, Sweden -- Martin Johns http://www.martinjohns.com