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Fwd: Google Summer of Code Nmap Ideas Wanted!

Christian Heinrich
Sun, Mar 20, 2011 7:44 AM

To quote http://nmap.org/soc/

"Web scanning specialist

This position is perfect for a budding web guru with intimate
knowledge and interest in web-related standards and protocols,
particularly HTTP and HTML. SSL, Javascript, CSS, and XML are
important too. An understanding of common web vulnerabilities such as
SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) will also help. Tools to
look at for inspiration include Burp Suite and w3af. Nmap already has
quite a few HTTP scripts that you can find on the NSEDoc Portal, but
many of them could use improvement and they only scratch the surface
of possible scripts. The web has grown to dominate the Internet, so it
is crucial that Nmap have solid web scanning capabilities."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fyodor fyodor@insecure.org
Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 9:53 PM
Subject: Google Summer of Code Nmap Ideas Wanted!
To: nmap-dev@insecure.org

Hi Folks!  If you've been paying any attention at all, you know how
valuable the last six years of Summer of Code have been for Nmap.  The
Nmap Scripting Engine, Zenmap, Ncat, Nping, Ncrack, and Ndiff were all
started by summer of code students.  And the ideas for those projects
themselves came from our annual SoC "ideas" page where we suggest
ideas for the coming year.

I have just completed an initial ideas page for 2011 SoC:


Please take a look, and let nmap-dev (or me) know if you have any
other ideas to consider.  Or if you have improvements (or
clarification requests or even just typo discoveries) in the items
already on the list, we'd like to hear those too.

I filled out the GSoC 2011 organization application on Friday and
Google will announce their decisions on Friday the 18th.  This gives
us a week to finalize our ideas page before we start getting flooded
by potential applicants.  And these folks will have 100+ other open
source organizations to choose from, so we need to offer them some
interesting and compelling projects.

Remember, this is your chance to post your dream features for Nmap and
we may be able to get Google to fund someone else to actually write
that feature for us :).


Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list
Archived at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/

Christian Heinrich


To quote http://nmap.org/soc/ "Web scanning specialist This position is perfect for a budding web guru with intimate knowledge and interest in web-related standards and protocols, particularly HTTP and HTML. SSL, Javascript, CSS, and XML are important too. An understanding of common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) will also help. Tools to look at for inspiration include Burp Suite and w3af. Nmap already has quite a few HTTP scripts that you can find on the NSEDoc Portal, but many of them could use improvement and they only scratch the surface of possible scripts. The web has grown to dominate the Internet, so it is crucial that Nmap have solid web scanning capabilities." ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Fyodor <fyodor@insecure.org> Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 9:53 PM Subject: Google Summer of Code Nmap Ideas Wanted! To: nmap-dev@insecure.org Hi Folks!  If you've been paying any attention at all, you know how valuable the last six years of Summer of Code have been for Nmap.  The Nmap Scripting Engine, Zenmap, Ncat, Nping, Ncrack, and Ndiff were all started by summer of code students.  And the ideas for those projects themselves came from our annual SoC "ideas" page where we suggest ideas for the coming year. I have just completed an initial ideas page for 2011 SoC: http://nmap.org/soc/ Please take a look, and let nmap-dev (or me) know if you have any other ideas to consider.  Or if you have improvements (or clarification requests or even just typo discoveries) in the items already on the list, we'd like to hear those too. I filled out the GSoC 2011 organization application on Friday and Google will announce their decisions on Friday the 18th.  This gives us a week to finalize our ideas page before we start getting flooded by potential applicants.  And these folks will have 100+ other open source organizations to choose from, so we need to offer them some interesting and compelling projects. Remember, this is your chance to post your dream features for Nmap and we may be able to get Google to fund someone else to actually write that feature for us :). Cheers, Fyodor _______________________________________________ Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list http://cgi.insecure.org/mailman/listinfo/nmap-dev Archived at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/ -- Regards, Christian Heinrich http://cmlh.id.au/contact