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Call for Presentations: OWASP AppSec Research EU 2013

Martin Johns
Thu, Feb 7, 2013 3:38 PM

[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

= Call for Presentations: OWASP AppSec Research EU 2013  =

The German Chapter of the Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) is proud to organize this years' OWASP AppSec Research EU

OWASP AppSec conferences are the premier gathering for Software
Security leaders and researchers. It brings together the application
security community to share cutting-edge ideas, initiatives and
technological advancements.

=== Important information ===

Date: August 20-23, 2013
Location: Emporio Hamburg http://www.emporio-hamburg.de/en/
WebSite: http://appseceu.org/

=== Topics ===

OWASP AppSec conferences are true security conferences, with expected
talks and presentations all around (web) application security.
Non-technical talks (see below) are welcome too. Please refrain from
submitting marketing talks or having sales pitches in your talk.

We are interested in all topics related to Web Application Security
and OWASP, in particular:

  • Secure development: frameworks, best practices, secure coding,
    methods, processes, SDLC
  • Vulnerability analysis: code review, pentest, static analysis
  • Threat modelling
  • Mobile security
  • Cloud security
  • Browser security
  • HTML5 security
  • OWASP tools or projects in practice
  • New technologies, paradigms, tools
  • Privacy in web apps, Web services (REST, XML) and data storage
  • Operations and software security
  • Management topics in Application Security: Business Risks,
    Outsourcing/Offshoring, Awareness Programs, Project Management,
    Managing SDLC

=== Program Committee ===

  • Dinis Cruz, OWASP O2 Platform
  • Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP BeNeLux
  • Jeremiah Grossman, WhiteHat Security
  • Dr. Boris Hemkemeier, OWASP Germany
  • Achim Hoffmann, OWASP Germany
  • Dr. Giles Hogben, Cloud Security Alliance
  • Dr. Martin Johns, SAP Research
  • Holger Junker, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
  • Alex "kuza55" Kouzemtchenko, Coverity
  • Jim Manico, OWASP USA
  • Dr. Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, OWASP Greece
  • Prof. Dr. Sachar Paulus, University of Applied Science in Brandenburg
  • Thomas Roessler, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), ICANN Board Member
  • David Ross, Microsoft
  • Dr. Sebastian Schinzel, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Dr. Dirk Wetter, OWASP Germany (head industry PC)
  • John Wilander, OWASP Sweden, Linköping University
  • Michal Zalewski, Google Inc

=== Deadlines ===

  • Submission of proposals by: April 14, 2013 (11:59pm GMT)
  • Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2013
  • Publication of program: May 10, 2013
  • Conference Date: August 22-23, 2012

=== Submission ===

To  submit a proposal, please submit online (see link very below) an
abstract of  your intended presentation (500 to 4000 chararters) and a
brief biography (150 to  800 characters). Your planned presentation
time is 40 minutes (excl. ~5 minutes for discussion and change of
speaker). Feel free to attach a preliminary version of your
presentation if available. Any proposal submitted is subject to a
democratic vote by the program committee (pc). Keep in mind: The
better your description the better our picture (do not count on "fail
open"). Please watch out for any mistakes as after approval by the PC
we take your abstract and publish it 1:1 in our program.

All proposals for this industry part have to be submitted through
EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=appseceu2013.
=== Terms ===

By your submission you agree to the OWASP [1]. It requires that you
use an OWASP presentation template [2]. You are welcome to include
your company logo to the first and last slide. All presentation slides
will be published on the conference website. Please make sure that any
pictures and other materials in your slides doesn't violate any
copyrights. You are solely liable for copyright violations. You may
choose any CC licence [3] for your slides, including CC0. OWASP does
suggest open licenses [4].

Participants and speakers are all warmly invited to attend the
conference dinner on Thursday. Subject to the budget situation there's
an extra evening program for all accepted speakers.

Unfortunately we can't cover travel expenses or costs for accomodations.

=== Related Cf{P^2,T} ===

Please note that there are two related CfPs for this conference:

=== References ===

[1] https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Speaker_Agreement
[2] https://www.owasp.org/images/7/76/OWASP_Presentation_Template.zip
[3] http://creativecommons.org/licenses
[4] https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Licenses

Martin Johns

[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement] = Call for Presentations: OWASP AppSec Research EU 2013 = The German Chapter of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is proud to organize this years' OWASP AppSec Research EU conference. OWASP AppSec conferences are the premier gathering for Software Security leaders and researchers. It brings together the application security community to share cutting-edge ideas, initiatives and technological advancements. === Important information === Date: August 20-23, 2013 Location: Emporio Hamburg <http://www.emporio-hamburg.de/en/> WebSite: <http://appseceu.org/> === Topics === OWASP AppSec conferences are true security conferences, with expected talks and presentations all around (web) application security. Non-technical talks (see below) are welcome too. Please refrain from submitting marketing talks or having sales pitches in your talk. We are interested in all topics related to Web Application Security and OWASP, in particular: * Secure development: frameworks, best practices, secure coding, methods, processes, SDLC * Vulnerability analysis: code review, pentest, static analysis * Threat modelling * Mobile security * Cloud security * Browser security * HTML5 security * OWASP tools or projects in practice * New technologies, paradigms, tools * Privacy in web apps, Web services (REST, XML) and data storage * Operations and software security * Management topics in Application Security: Business Risks, Outsourcing/Offshoring, Awareness Programs, Project Management, Managing SDLC === Program Committee === - Dinis Cruz, OWASP O2 Platform - Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP BeNeLux - Jeremiah Grossman, WhiteHat Security - Dr. Boris Hemkemeier, OWASP Germany - Achim Hoffmann, OWASP Germany - Dr. Giles Hogben, Cloud Security Alliance - Dr. Martin Johns, SAP Research - Holger Junker, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) - Alex "kuza55" Kouzemtchenko, Coverity - Jim Manico, OWASP USA - Dr. Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, OWASP Greece - Prof. Dr. Sachar Paulus, University of Applied Science in Brandenburg - Thomas Roessler, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), ICANN Board Member - David Ross, Microsoft - Dr. Sebastian Schinzel, University Erlangen-Nuremberg - Dr. Dirk Wetter, OWASP Germany (head industry PC) - John Wilander, OWASP Sweden, Linköping University - Michal Zalewski, Google Inc === Deadlines === * Submission of proposals by: April 14, 2013 (11:59pm GMT) * Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2013 * Publication of program: May 10, 2013 * Conference Date: August 22-23, 2012 === Submission === To submit a proposal, please submit online (see link very below) an abstract of your intended presentation (500 to 4000 chararters) and a brief biography (150 to 800 characters). Your planned presentation time is 40 minutes (excl. ~5 minutes for discussion and change of speaker). Feel free to attach a preliminary version of your presentation if available. Any proposal submitted is subject to a democratic vote by the program committee (pc). Keep in mind: The better your description the better our picture (do not count on "fail open"). Please watch out for any mistakes as after approval by the PC we take your abstract and publish it 1:1 in our program. All proposals for this industry part have to be submitted through EasyChair: <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=appseceu2013>. === Terms === By your submission you agree to the OWASP [1]. It requires that you use an OWASP presentation template [2]. You are welcome to include your company logo to the first and last slide. All presentation slides will be published on the conference website. Please make sure that any pictures and other materials in your slides doesn't violate any copyrights. You are solely liable for copyright violations. You may choose any CC licence [3] for your slides, including CC0. OWASP does suggest open licenses [4]. Participants and speakers are all warmly invited to attend the conference dinner on Thursday. Subject to the budget situation there's an extra evening program for all accepted speakers. Unfortunately we can't cover travel expenses or costs for accomodations. === Related Cf{P^2,T} === Please note that there are two related CfPs for this conference: * Call for research papers: <https://www.owasp.org/index.php/AppSecEU2013/CfPapers> * Call for trainings: <https://www.owasp.org/index.php/AppSecEU2013/CfTrainings> === References === [1] <https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Speaker_Agreement> [2] <https://www.owasp.org/images/7/76/OWASP_Presentation_Template.zip> [3] <http://creativecommons.org/licenses> [4] <https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Licenses> -- Martin Johns http://www.martinjohns.com