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BayThreat 2012 CFP

Bay Threat
Thu, Oct 18, 2012 9:17 AM

The 2012 BayThreat Call For Papers is now open for a limited time!

This year's 2 day event will continue the Building and Breaking tracks from
last year, and additionally this year we are taking advantage of the theme
of our venue, Firehouse Brewery, to seek security first responders who are
willing to share some of their war stories from the field. (With the names
changed to protect the negligent, of course.)  Maybe you just have a great
story to tell - we'd like to hear about it and see if it fits!

If this is something that interests you, please check out
http://baythreat.org/cfp and let us know.

Submission Deadline: November 11th
(Bonus points for sending submissions in early!)

If you have any questions, please drop us a line.


  • The BayThreat Team
The 2012 BayThreat Call For Papers is now open for a limited time! This year's 2 day event will continue the Building and Breaking tracks from last year, and additionally this year we are taking advantage of the theme of our venue, Firehouse Brewery, to seek security first responders who are willing to share some of their war stories from the field. (With the names changed to protect the negligent, of course.) Maybe you just have a great story to tell - we'd like to hear about it and see if it fits! If this is something that interests you, please check out http://baythreat.org/cfp and let us know. Submission Deadline: November 11th (Bonus points for sending submissions in early!) If you have any questions, please drop us a line. Regards, - The BayThreat Team