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Ukrainian Cyber Forces: blocked terrorists accounts

Fri, Dec 12, 2014 1:08 AM

Hello participants of Mailing List.

As I wrote earlier, since 01.03.2014 I was hardly working to resist against
information war from Russia against Ukraine. Work against terrorists web
sites, resist Russian propaganda and also block terrorists accounts in
Electronic Payment Systems (EPS). About this activity I write in my Twitter
and Facebook accounts.

After previous stats, here is new stats on blocked accounts

These are the results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for
June-November 2014 in different payment systems (http://on.fb.me/1vrlo2f).

Results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for June-November:

WebMoney - 20 accounts (66 wallets).
Yandex.Money - 51 accounts.
QIWI - 24 accounts.
PayPal - 39 accounts.
Privatbank - 4 card accounts.
GlobalMoney - 2 accounts.
PerfectMoney - 3 accounts.
OkPay - 1 account.

In total there were blocked 144 accounts.

I have a lot of operations every day. This is current list of operations of
Ukrainian Cyber Forces:

  • Blocking accounts of terrorists in electronic payment systems.
  • Hacks of sites of terrorists and e-mails and accounts in social networks.
  • Payback - blockings of sites of terrorists by DDoS attacks.
  • Recover the truth - editing Wikipedia to resist against Russian
  • Blocked bastards - blocking blogs and sites of terrorists via requests to
    domain and hosting providers.
  • Bond, James Bond - reconnaissance and audio-video recordings from
    terrorists HQ and web cameras.
  • Turn off propaganda - blocking videos of terrorists at YouTube and other
  • Crimea it's Ukraine - return of control on all government sites (gov.ua)
    in Crimea.
  • Troll hunting - blocking accounts, pages and groups of terrorists and
    trolls in social networks.

Best wishes & regards,
Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello participants of Mailing List. As I wrote earlier, since 01.03.2014 I was hardly working to resist against information war from Russia against Ukraine. Work against terrorists web sites, resist Russian propaganda and also block terrorists accounts in Electronic Payment Systems (EPS). About this activity I write in my Twitter and Facebook accounts. After previous stats, here is new stats on blocked accounts (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2014-November/009060.html). These are the results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for June-November 2014 in different payment systems (http://on.fb.me/1vrlo2f). Results of my work on blocking accounts of terrorists for June-November: WebMoney - 20 accounts (66 wallets). Yandex.Money - 51 accounts. QIWI - 24 accounts. PayPal - 39 accounts. Privatbank - 4 card accounts. GlobalMoney - 2 accounts. PerfectMoney - 3 accounts. OkPay - 1 account. In total there were blocked 144 accounts. I have a lot of operations every day. This is current list of operations of Ukrainian Cyber Forces: - Blocking accounts of terrorists in electronic payment systems. - Hacks of sites of terrorists and e-mails and accounts in social networks. - Payback - blockings of sites of terrorists by DDoS attacks. - Recover the truth - editing Wikipedia to resist against Russian propaganda. - Blocked bastards - blocking blogs and sites of terrorists via requests to domain and hosting providers. - Bond, James Bond - reconnaissance and audio-video recordings from terrorists HQ and web cameras. - Turn off propaganda - blocking videos of terrorists at YouTube and other video-hostings. - Crimea it's Ukraine - return of control on all government sites (gov.ua) in Crimea. - Troll hunting - blocking accounts, pages and groups of terrorists and trolls in social networks. Best wishes & regards, Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua