WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Mon, Apr 25, 2011 1:10 PM
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-55: State website hacked - Officials say 1000
people affected have been notified
*WHID ID: *2011-55
*Date Occurred: *March 25, 2011
*Attack Method: *Unknown
*Application Weakness: *Unknown
*Outcome: *Leakage of Information
*Attacked Entity Field: *Government
*Attacked Entity Geography: *Maine, USA
*Incident Description: *Credit card information may have been stolen for
some people who bought state park passes on line. The Maine Bureau of Parks
and Lands learned in February that their online system for the sale of state
park passes, provided by a private vendor, was hacked by "malware."
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
Attack Source Geography:
*Entry Title: *WHID 2011-55: State website hacked - Officials say 1000
people affected have been notified
*WHID ID: *2011-55
*Date Occurred: *March 25, 2011
*Attack Method: *Unknown
*Application Weakness: *Unknown
*Outcome: *Leakage of Information
*Attacked Entity Field: *Government
*Attacked Entity Geography: *Maine, USA
*Incident Description: *Credit card information may have been stolen for
some people who bought state park passes on line. The Maine Bureau of Parks
and Lands learned in February that their online system for the sale of state
park passes, provided by a private vendor, was hacked by "malware."
*Mass Attack: *No
*Reference: *
*Attack Source Geography:*