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[Announcement] ClubHack Mag Issue 22- November 2011 Released

Abhijeet Patil
Sun, Nov 13, 2011 1:35 PM

Dear All,
Here are with the Issue-22, November 2011 of ClubHack Magazine.

This issue covers following articles:-

0x00 Tech Gyan - Looking Into the Eye of the Bits
0x01 Tool Gyan - Ravan – JavaScript Distributed Computing System
0x02 Mom's Guide - Best Practices of Web Application Security
0x03 Legal Gyan - Law relating to Cyberterrorism
0x04 Matriux Vibhag - OWASP Mantra’s MoC Crawler
0x05 Poster - Ravan

Check http://chmag.in/ for articles.
PDF version can be download from:- http://chmag.in/issue/nov2011.pdf

Hope you'll enjoy the magazine.
Send us your feedback and articles at info@chmag.in

Abhijeet Patil,
Co-Founder, CHMag

Dear All, Here are with the Issue-22, November 2011 of ClubHack Magazine. This issue covers following articles:- 0x00 Tech Gyan - Looking Into the Eye of the Bits 0x01 Tool Gyan - Ravan – JavaScript Distributed Computing System 0x02 Mom's Guide - Best Practices of Web Application Security 0x03 Legal Gyan - Law relating to Cyberterrorism 0x04 Matriux Vibhag - OWASP Mantra’s MoC Crawler 0x05 Poster - Ravan Check http://chmag.in/ for articles. PDF version can be download from:- http://chmag.in/issue/nov2011.pdf Hope you'll enjoy the magazine. Send us your feedback and articles at info@chmag.in Regards, Abhijeet Patil, Co-Founder, CHMag http://chmag.in http://clubhack.com +91-9923800379