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BayThreat 2011 Call For Papers Closes October 31st!

Bay Threat
Tue, Oct 4, 2011 5:59 PM

The CFP deadline for the second annual BayThreat security conference
closes on October 31st.

BayThreat is a 3 day event at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA,
December 9th, 10th, and 11th. The theme for BayThreat is as simple as black
& white: "Building & Breaking Security." There will be two tracks, each
tackling opposite sides of the security fence. We are currently seeking 30 &
50 minute presentations for both the Builder and Breaker tracks.
Previous conference topics have included:

  • Mobile Security
  • Internet Infrastructure
  • Hardware
  • Incident Response
  • Lockpicking
  • Botnets and Malware
  • Game Hacking
  • Etc.

Submissions should be sent to baythreat at gmail.com, and are due no later
October 31st 2011. (Good early submissions will be accepted, and if we fill
up the CFP will close early). Find the submission form here:


  • The BayThreat Team


The CFP deadline for the second annual BayThreat security conference closes on October 31st. BayThreat is a 3 day event at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA, December 9th, 10th, and 11th. The theme for BayThreat is as simple as black & white: "Building & Breaking Security." There will be two tracks, each tackling opposite sides of the security fence. We are currently seeking 30 & 50 minute presentations for both the Builder and Breaker tracks. Previous conference topics have included: - Mobile Security - Internet Infrastructure - Hardware - Incident Response - Lockpicking - Botnets and Malware - Game Hacking - Etc. Submissions should be sent to baythreat at gmail.com, and are due no later than October 31st 2011. (Good early submissions will be accepted, and if we fill up the CFP will close early). Find the submission form here: http://baythreat.org/cfa.html ** Regards, - The BayThreat Team http://www.baythreat.org