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nullcon Blackshield Awards 2014

Fri, Jan 10, 2014 6:13 AM

Dear All,

Its the time of the year, while we all are busy fighting against the
dark side of the cyber world, contributing our bits and bytes to make
the world a better & secure place, keeping our skills and armours
shining to defend against the Darks Arts, to take a pause and reflect

Lets take some time to find the Knights & Ninjas around us who have
been striving to help us in our efforts, setting new benchmarks and
inspiring us for the neverending fight of Cyber Security.

Lets salute and honour their endeavours, contributions and commitment
with the BlackShield.

we request the community to send in nominations of the people Doing
Awesome job in the field of cyber security for nullcon - BlackShield
Awards to be presented at nullcon 2014. Come celebrate our fifth
anniversary at Goa.

Nominations are welcome in the following categories:

For details and nominations please visit

Elite CISO
This category comprises of CISOs who have achieved excellence in
applying security in their organization and in Public Domain. This
category involves banks, telecom, Finance, Travel domain which
directly deals with Public resource, individual data and connectivity.

This category is to recognize the Government body or individual
accomplishing pioneering job in implementing security for the

A person who has made significant contribution to the security
landscape and has been an inspiration to others.

Best of the Show
This award is for our Exhibition/Prototype participants, organizations
making remarkable innovations in the field of security and also
demonstrating the sense of social responsibility.

Best Null Chapter
Based on the agenda, number of members retained, extended and quality

Community Star
Contribution to community in terms of knowledge sharing,
administration, communication, prolif

To Nominate:

You can know more about NullCon BlackShield Awards here

Other interesting events:

Dates: 12-15th Feb 2014
Venue: Bogmalo Beach resort, Goa

This valentine’s day spread love… not malware…
Get ready to goa!

nullcon Team

Dear All, Its the time of the year, while we all are busy fighting against the dark side of the cyber world, contributing our bits and bytes to make the world a better & secure place, keeping our skills and armours shining to defend against the Darks Arts, to take a pause and reflect back. Lets take some time to find the Knights & Ninjas around us who have been striving to help us in our efforts, setting new benchmarks and inspiring us for the neverending fight of Cyber Security. Lets salute and honour their endeavours, contributions and commitment with the BlackShield. we request the community to send in nominations of the people Doing Awesome job in the field of cyber security for nullcon - BlackShield Awards to be presented at nullcon 2014. Come celebrate our fifth anniversary at Goa. Nominations are welcome in the following categories: For details and nominations please visit http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/nullcon-blacksheild-awards.php Elite CISO This category comprises of CISOs who have achieved excellence in applying security in their organization and in Public Domain. This category involves banks, telecom, Finance, Travel domain which directly deals with Public resource, individual data and connectivity. GOV-R-NATOR This category is to recognize the Government body or individual accomplishing pioneering job in implementing security for the Government. Luminaire A person who has made significant contribution to the security landscape and has been an inspiration to others. Best of the Show This award is for our Exhibition/Prototype participants, organizations making remarkable innovations in the field of security and also demonstrating the sense of social responsibility. Best Null Chapter Based on the agenda, number of members retained, extended and quality contributions. Community Star Contribution to community in terms of knowledge sharing, administration, communication, prolif To Nominate: http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/nullcon-blacksheild-awards.php You can know more about NullCon BlackShield Awards here Other interesting events: - AMMO http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/ammo.php - Expo http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/exhibition.php - Training http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/training.php - JailBreak http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/ctf.php#jailbreak Dates: 12-15th Feb 2014 Venue: Bogmalo Beach resort, Goa This valentine’s day spread love… not malware… Get ready to goa! Regards, nullcon Team