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Web Applications Attacks

Malgorzata Skora
Thu, Jun 21, 2012 6:48 PM


You can learn about session hijacking, memory corruption, attacks DNS, CMS,
about XSS & CSRF, SQL Injection.
All these on 200 pages of technical best content from great pentesters.

Check http://pentestmag.com/webapp-compendium-06_2012/, what do you think?

Malgorzata Skora
PenTest Magazine Junior Product Manager
PenTest Regular Editor
Software Media Sp. z o.o.

Hello, You can learn about session hijacking, memory corruption, attacks DNS, CMS, about XSS & CSRF, SQL Injection. All these on 200 pages of technical best content from great pentesters. Check http://pentestmag.com/webapp-compendium-06_2012/, what do you think? -- Malgorzata Skora PenTest Magazine Junior Product Manager PenTest Regular Editor Software Media Sp. z o.o. www.pentestmag.com