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Cybewar against Ukraine and protection against hybrid threats and my suggestions for NATO

Mon, Mar 27, 2017 11:24 PM

Hello participants of Mailing List.

Policy Paper "Ukraine – NATO: Non-Military Cooperation and Response to
Common Proxy Threats" with my suggestions was released in March.

At 09.02.2017 I had a speech "Cybewar against Ukraine and protection against
hybrid threats" at NATO round table http://bit.ly/2kx74TT.

My speech was about Russia's cyber war and information war, my fight with it
for three years and how Russian terrorists use services of many western
companies since 2014 (a lot of them in USA). For opening accounts in social
networks and on YouTube, blogs on different blog-hostings, sites (domains,
hostings, CloudFlare) and for opening accounts in payment systems (in
PayPal, PerfectMoney and others) to receive millions dollars for terrorism
from around the world, including people from other countries besides Russia
itself. I published stats for all countries (based on data from terrorist's
PayPal account, which we blocked in 2014) in my presentation. And in most
cases USA companies decline do block such terrorists resources - as I told
hundreds of times, including in many of my interviews for three years.

In the begging of March organizers of event issued a policy paper in
Ukrainian and English. Where have included suggestions of experts, including
my suggestions to deal with cyber war and information war of Russia against
Ukraine, mentioned in my speech. Particularly to block accounts and online
resources of terrorists located in the countries of NATO and other Western
countries. USA companies support terrorism for three years
http://bit.ly/2lR1RXo and since 2014 I propose to sue them. Since nobody in
US did it and nobody want to sue them, so for three years I looked for a
lawyer and last month I proposed NATO to do it.

Policy Paper:

Best wishes & regards,
Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello participants of Mailing List. Policy Paper "Ukraine – NATO: Non-Military Cooperation and Response to Common Proxy Threats" with my suggestions was released in March. At 09.02.2017 I had a speech "Cybewar against Ukraine and protection against hybrid threats" at NATO round table http://bit.ly/2kx74TT. My speech was about Russia's cyber war and information war, my fight with it http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2017-March/010839.html for three years and how Russian terrorists use services of many western companies since 2014 (a lot of them in USA). For opening accounts in social networks and on YouTube, blogs on different blog-hostings, sites (domains, hostings, CloudFlare) and for opening accounts in payment systems (in PayPal, PerfectMoney and others) to receive millions dollars for terrorism from around the world, including people from other countries besides Russia itself. I published stats for all countries (based on data from terrorist's PayPal account, which we blocked in 2014) in my presentation. And in most cases USA companies decline do block such terrorists resources - as I told hundreds of times, including in many of my interviews for three years. In the begging of March organizers of event issued a policy paper in Ukrainian and English. Where have included suggestions of experts, including my suggestions to deal with cyber war and information war of Russia against Ukraine, mentioned in my speech. Particularly to block accounts and online resources of terrorists located in the countries of NATO and other Western countries. USA companies support terrorism for three years http://bit.ly/2lR1RXo and since 2014 I propose to sue them. Since nobody in US did it and nobody want to sue them, so for three years I looked for a lawyer and last month I proposed NATO to do it. Policy Paper: http://www.ucipr.org.ua/publicdocs/Policy-Paper_NATO-Ukraine_Ukr.pdf http://www.ucipr.org.ua/publicdocs/Policy-Paper_NATO-Ukraine_Eng.pdf Best wishes & regards, Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua