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post-XSS landscape

Michal Zalewski
Tue, Dec 20, 2011 7:17 PM

With the growing enthusiasm about CSP and other script containment
frameworks, I tried to put down some rough notes about the fundamental
exploitation vectors that would be available in absence of the ability
to execute scripts - and tried to see how these attacks correspond to
what XSS attacks are trying to achieve today.

So... this may be of some interest to the list:

[ More background:
http://lcamtuf.blogspot.com/2011/12/notes-about-post-xss-world.html ]


With the growing enthusiasm about CSP and other script containment frameworks, I tried to put down some rough notes about the fundamental exploitation vectors that would be available in absence of the ability to execute scripts - and tried to see how these attacks correspond to what XSS attacks are trying to achieve today. So... this may be of some interest to the list: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/postxss/ [ More background: http://lcamtuf.blogspot.com/2011/12/notes-about-post-xss-world.html ] /mz