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Oracle Padding and Exploitation

chris serafin
Wed, Apr 25, 2012 11:34 PM

I'm doing a web app pen test and the Oracle Padding vulnerability popped up
in Nessus and Acunetix. I tried playing with padbuster.pl and watched every
video on YouTube on this, and can't exploit it. I'm doing the bruteforce
option I found at this
and hit 40K attempts and counting. It seems that the goal of all of these
docs and videos is to grab the web.config file from the server. Just so
happens that I found we.config.bak on the server already and have the file.
In that file I found the DB connection login and password info, as well as
DB table names. I'm assuming that I cant login to the web app with these
credentials....could I do anything else?

Any insight is appreciated!


I'm doing a web app pen test and the Oracle Padding vulnerability popped up in Nessus and Acunetix. I tried playing with padbuster.pl and watched every video on YouTube on this, and can't exploit it. I'm doing the bruteforce option I found at this http://blog.securitywhole.com/2010/10/21/net-padding-oracle-attack-padbusterpl-and-the-microsoft-recommended-workarounds.aspx now and hit 40K attempts and counting. It seems that the goal of all of these docs and videos is to grab the web.config file from the server. Just so happens that I found we.config.bak on the server already and have the file. In that file I found the DB connection login and password info, as well as DB table names. I'm assuming that I cant login to the web app with these credentials....could I do anything else? Any insight is appreciated! --Chris