WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database
Wed, Jan 26, 2011 1:53 PM
Sent to you by wasc-whid via Google Reader: WHID 2011-24: Twitter worm
hits goo.gl, redirects to fake anti-virus via Default WHID View on
Entry Title: WHID 2011-24: Twitter worm hits goo.gl, redirects to fake
WHID ID: 2011-24
Date Occurred: January 20, 2011
Attack Method: Unknown
Application Weakness: Unknown
Outcome: Planting of Malware
Attacked Entity Field: Web 2.0
Attacked Entity Geography:
Incident Description: A fast-moving Twitter worm is in circulation,
using Google’s goo.gl redirection service to push unsuspecting users to
a notorious scareware (fake anti-virus) malware campaign.
Mass Attack: No
Attack Source Geography:
Attacked System Technology: Twitter
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Sent to you by wasc-whid via Google Reader: WHID 2011-24: Twitter worm
hits goo.gl, redirects to fake anti-virus via Default WHID View on
Entry Title: WHID 2011-24: Twitter worm hits goo.gl, redirects to fake
WHID ID: 2011-24
Date Occurred: January 20, 2011
Attack Method: Unknown
Application Weakness: Unknown
Outcome: Planting of Malware
Attacked Entity Field: Web 2.0
Attacked Entity Geography:
Incident Description: A fast-moving Twitter worm is in circulation,
using Google’s goo.gl redirection service to push unsuspecting users to
a notorious scareware (fake anti-virus) malware campaign.
Mass Attack: No
Attack Source Geography:
Attacked System Technology: Twitter
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Default WHID View using Google Reader
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