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Ukrainian Cyber Forces: hacked Russian government data

Sun, Dec 14, 2014 4:51 PM

Hello participants of Mailing List.

As I wrote earlier, since 01.03.2014 I was hardly working to resist against
information war from Russia against Ukraine. Work against terrorists web
sites, resist Russian propaganda and also block terrorists accounts in
Electronic Payment Systems (EPS). About this activity I write in my Twitter
and Facebook accounts.

Besides blocking 144 accounts of terrorists for June-November (and new
accounts in December) I also do a lot of other work
Earlier I wrote about operations of Ukrainian Cyber Forces, which I created
at 9th of June to resist Russian aggression.

In the list I wrote that we hack sites of terrorists and e-mails and
accounts in social networks. But since August we hacked a lot of Russian
parties e-mails, Ministry of Defense RF site, e-mail of Ministry of Internal
Affairs RF and two servers of Ministry of Internal Affairs RF. Since August
I wrote a lot about that in my TW and FB accounts and disclosed GBs of
information from hacked e-mails, sites and servers. But only in December
foreign journalist drew attention on that - when I disclosed 1,78 GB of data
from the second server of Ministry of Internal Affairs RF (with proofs of
Russian invasion). It looks like it's because I put the data not only to
Ukrainian filesharing site, but also to Google Drive, which is accessible
for everyone in the world.

You can read about this leakage in the article, which was released
yesterday. This is the first from many articles of foreign journalists, soon
will be more articles about me and Ukrainian Cyber Forces. For previous six
months only Ukrainian media (and sometimes Russian) wrote about me and UCF -
on sites, press and TV. In December were released many new articles about
UCF and my interviews.

Ukrainian Hackers Leak Russian Interior Ministry Docs With 'Evidence' of
Russian Invasion

Best wishes & regards,
Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello participants of Mailing List. As I wrote earlier, since 01.03.2014 I was hardly working to resist against information war from Russia against Ukraine. Work against terrorists web sites, resist Russian propaganda and also block terrorists accounts in Electronic Payment Systems (EPS). About this activity I write in my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Besides blocking 144 accounts of terrorists for June-November (and new accounts in December) I also do a lot of other work (http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2014-December/009064.html). Earlier I wrote about operations of Ukrainian Cyber Forces, which I created at 9th of June to resist Russian aggression. In the list I wrote that we hack sites of terrorists and e-mails and accounts in social networks. But since August we hacked a lot of Russian parties e-mails, Ministry of Defense RF site, e-mail of Ministry of Internal Affairs RF and two servers of Ministry of Internal Affairs RF. Since August I wrote a lot about that in my TW and FB accounts and disclosed GBs of information from hacked e-mails, sites and servers. But only in December foreign journalist drew attention on that - when I disclosed 1,78 GB of data from the second server of Ministry of Internal Affairs RF (with proofs of Russian invasion). It looks like it's because I put the data not only to Ukrainian filesharing site, but also to Google Drive, which is accessible for everyone in the world. You can read about this leakage in the article, which was released yesterday. This is the first from many articles of foreign journalists, soon will be more articles about me and Ukrainian Cyber Forces. For previous six months only Ukrainian media (and sometimes Russian) wrote about me and UCF - on sites, press and TV. In December were released many new articles about UCF and my interviews. Ukrainian Hackers Leak Russian Interior Ministry Docs With 'Evidence' of Russian Invasion http://globalvoicesonline.org/2014/12/13/ukrainian-hackers-leak-russian-interior-ministry-docs-with-evidence-of-russian-invasion/ Best wishes & regards, Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua