
The Web Security Mailing List

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My security videos

Sat, Aug 29, 2015 7:02 PM

Hello participants of Mailing List.

Did you see my security videos? I wrote about some of them to the list
earlier. This Monday I uploaded new security video and added it to my
playlist, so I decided to remind you.

Among 217 videos, which I uploaded to my account for the last years, there
are my music and social videos and audio and video reconnaissance. Also
there are security videos. They are about vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash,
Privat24, LiqPay, WordPress and at web sites and also about my tools
DAVOSET, Web Virus Detection System and SecurityAlert.

This is the playlist with my security videos

  • Adobe Flash DoS
  • Adobe Flash DoS BSOD
  • Vulnerability in Privat24
  • DAVOSET - DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool
  • DoS in Adobe Flash (BSOD)
  • Vulnerability in LiqPAY
  • WordPress DoS exploit
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery at skype.privatbank.ua
  • Map of Internet attacks
  • Web Virus Detection System
  • SecurityAlert
  • Ukrainian Cyber Forces blocked satellite phone of Pushilin's assistant -
    Guide how to block satellite phone of Russian terrorist

I hope you find something interesting for yourself. I will add security
videos among my old ones (with demonstration of vulnerabilities,
which I made for different companies) and will make new ones.

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

Hello participants of Mailing List. Did you see my security videos? I wrote about some of them to the list earlier. This Monday I uploaded new security video and added it to my playlist, so I decided to remind you. Among 217 videos, which I uploaded to my account for the last years, there are my music and social videos and audio and video reconnaissance. Also there are security videos. They are about vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash, Privat24, LiqPay, WordPress and at web sites and also about my tools DAVOSET, Web Virus Detection System and SecurityAlert. This is the playlist with my security videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk7NS9SMadniEKrp4GNKqXMIfIappxowL: - Adobe Flash DoS - Adobe Flash DoS BSOD - Vulnerability in Privat24 - DAVOSET - DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool - DoS in Adobe Flash (BSOD) - Vulnerability in LiqPAY - WordPress DoS exploit - Cross-Site Request Forgery at skype.privatbank.ua - Map of Internet attacks - Web Virus Detection System - SecurityAlert - Ukrainian Cyber Forces blocked satellite phone of Pushilin's assistant - Guide how to block satellite phone of Russian terrorist I hope you find something interesting for yourself. I will add security videos among my old ones (with demonstration of vulnerabilities, which I made for different companies) and will make new ones. Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua