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BayThreat 4 Call For Papers

Bay Threat
Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12 AM

The Call for Papers for the fourth annual BayThreat security conference is
open!  BayThreat is a 2 day event at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA,
December 6th & 7th. The theme for BayThreat is a classic: "Building &
Breaking Security." There will be two tracks, each tackling opposite sides
of the security fence.
We are currently seeking 20 & 40 minute presentations for both the Builder
and Breaker tracks.
Previous conference topics have included:

  • SDLC
  • Mobile Security
  • Internet Infrastructure
  • Hardware
  • Incident Response
  • Lockpicking
  • Botnets and Malware
  • Game Hacking
  • SIEM
  • Etc.

Submissions should be sent to baythreat@gmail.com using this form:

Due no later than October 28th. (Good early submissions will be accepted,
and if we fill up the CFP will close early).

  • The BayThreat Team


The Call for Papers for the fourth annual BayThreat security conference is open! BayThreat is a 2 day event at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA, December 6th & 7th. The theme for BayThreat is a classic: "Building & Breaking Security." There will be two tracks, each tackling opposite sides of the security fence. We are currently seeking 20 & 40 minute presentations for both the Builder and Breaker tracks. Previous conference topics have included: - SDLC - Mobile Security - Internet Infrastructure - Hardware - Incident Response - Lockpicking - Botnets and Malware - Game Hacking - SIEM - Etc. Submissions should be sent to baythreat@gmail.com using this form: http://baythreat.org/cfp.html Due no later than October 28th. (Good early submissions will be accepted, and if we fill up the CFP will close early). ** Regards, - The BayThreat Team http://www.baythreat.org