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Online Web Security Challenges

Ivan Buetler
Wed, Jan 15, 2014 9:50 AM

Dear list,

I would like to make you aware of free OWASP online security web challenges

  • OWASP TOP 10
  • OWASP Hackademics
  • OWASP WebGoat

How does it work?

  1. register to one or more OWASP events
  2. get LiveCD and vpn into the lab
  3. solve the challenges (VPN required)
  4. submit your solution
  5. teachers will grade your solution
  6. earn points

Info Page

Ivan Bütler

Dear list, I would like to make you aware of free OWASP online security web challenges * OWASP TOP 10 * OWASP Hackademics * OWASP WebGoat How does it work? 1) register to one or more OWASP events 2) get LiveCD and vpn into the lab 3) solve the challenges (VPN required) 4) submit your solution 5) teachers will grade your solution 6) earn points Info Page * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Hacking_Lab Regards Ivan Bütler