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Websites potentially prone to be compromised

Emilio Casbas
Tue, Apr 14, 2015 9:41 AM

desenmascara.me is a PoC whose goal is: to raise web security awareness among web owners.
For a full reference you can check: http://desenmascara.me/englishThis week an API has been released: http://desenmascara.me/api/howto
One of the most interestings use of the API is: querying URLs prone to be compromisedhttp://desenmascara.me/api/howto#pronetld
In order to have context about the service and the goal of the PoC tool I have written a small post:http://pwnedwebsites.com/websites-prone-to-be-compromised.html


Hello, desenmascara.me is a PoC whose goal is: to raise web security awareness among web owners. For a full reference you can check: http://desenmascara.me/englishThis week an API has been released: http://desenmascara.me/api/howto One of the most interestings use of the API is: querying URLs prone to be compromisedhttp://desenmascara.me/api/howto#pronetld In order to have context about the service and the goal of the PoC tool I have written a small post:http://pwnedwebsites.com/websites-prone-to-be-compromised.html RegardsEmilio