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Checkout Passive Web Application Firewall Testing Framework (like mod_security , naxsi etc)

Bhaumik Merchant
Tue, Aug 27, 2013 11:48 AM

Hello All,

Created one framework for Passively evaluating Web Application
Firewalls without
touching existing infrastructure and Web Application Firewall vendor
independent. Sniffing
(Passive mode) support for each and every Web Application Firewall
like mod_security. Code coming soon ! Checkout Hands-on !!

Find out more @
http://bhaumikmerchant.in/w-o-f.htm (Official Blog)
http://youtu.be/9KbDXIi94r4 (Official Video,hands-on)

Thanks & Regards
Bhaumik Merchant | Infosec Researcher
Reach me@http://bhaumikmerchant.in

Hello All, Created one framework for Passively evaluating Web Application Firewalls without touching existing infrastructure and Web Application Firewall vendor independent. Sniffing (Passive mode) support for each and every Web Application Firewall like mod_security. Code coming soon ! Checkout Hands-on !! Find out more @ http://bhaumikmerchant.in/w-o-f.htm (Official Blog) http://youtu.be/9KbDXIi94r4 (Official Video,hands-on) http://code.google.com/p/w-o-f/ http://sourceforge.net/p/w-o-f/wiki/W-O-F/ -- Thanks & Regards Bhaumik Merchant | Infosec Researcher Reach me@http://bhaumikmerchant.in